Discover Your Inner Student Through This List of Learning Journaling Prompts

Learning is the Medicine We Need

This post is for those on a mission or the ones that may not know what their mission is yet. As a middle school teacher, I have made it my career and life to incorporate all aspects of learning into every part of my life. Simply, I am a learner. We are all learners. I am a problem solver by nature. When faced with something I don’t know, I try to find the answer. This might include literature study in my classroom or figuring out how to install a flapper on a toilet. It might involve looking up how to insert code on a website or following directions on how to assemble a piece of furniture. Learning is about the ah-ha moments-big and small. If you are at a place in your journaling where you feel stuck or you need to figure out what you want to learn next, this is the post for you. Write down which prompts stick out to you and then jot them down now or for later on. This post provides the journaling prompts needed for learning, exploration of new ideas, and finding a pathway to your own education. It also highlights some helpful layouts for traditional bullet journaling.

Layouts for Traditional Bullet Journaling

learning prompts

Journaling Prompts

  1. “If I had more time, I would be…”

  2. “I’ve always wondered about/why…”

  3. “If I weren’t so busy, I would be…”

  4. “I would love to do…”

  5. "I feel creative when..."

  6. "I forget about time when I am doing..."

  7. "I look forward the most to..."

  8. "I feel strongly about..."

  9. "A great idea for an invention would be..."

  10. "A problem I always wanted to solve is..."

  11. "I could make an impact in my community by..."

  12. "Something that could improve my own life is..."

  13. "Some things I would change are..."

  14. “Some of the things that make me happy are…”

  15. “I can’t stop thinking about…”

  16. "An article I found interesting was..."

  17. "A book that made me forget about the world was..."

  18. "I am drawn to books about..."

  19. "Social issues I am passionate about are..."

  20. "I get upset by..."

  21. "I feel like I have to do something about..."

  22. "A person or figure I look up to is...." and "I look up to them because...."

  23. “My hero is…”

Quotes for Inspiration

Writing Mindset Reflection: What prompts do you find helpful for your own learning? Which ones were your favorite from this list?

Learning Journaling Posts